In the Vineyard Sunset Series, the story follows the lives of the Sheridan and Montgomery siblings on Martha’s Vineyard. It’s about their friendships, dealing with loss, and finding love.
Winds of change by Katie winters novel summary
The story is mainly about the Montgomery family. They were really upset because Laura died suddenly last fall. Laura’s daughter, Isabella, finds comfort in her mother’s diaries. In those diaries, she discovers a hidden story from 1995-1996 that Laura had never shared. It’s about her old boss, Franklin Butler, and the bad things he did. He threatened Laura to keep her quiet about it. Isabella is asking herself why her mother never talked about any of this before. Meanwhile, Laura’s grieving husband, Steve, reopens his auto repair shop to distract himself from the heartbreak. He laments the unfairness of losing Laura, his true love, and wishes they could have grown old together.
Something mysterious happens on Martha’s Vineyard when a young woman disappears. Private detective Rina starts looking into it. She meets Steve by chance and, after reading Laura’s diaries, thinks they might hold clues to find the missing woman and save her.
Winds of change by Katie winters novel Reviews
A lot of mystery, new friendships arises. Steve and his daughter, Isabella, find a way out of the shell of the loss of Laura, his wife and her mother.
This book has been my favorite so far. It made me laugh, cry and my heart happy with the ending. This book really is an adventure. I loved the originality of the story and highly recommend this book.
About Winds of change by Katie winters author
Katie writes women’s fiction and clean, wholesome contemporary romance. She writes stories inspired by everyday family problems, focusing on emotions like love and sadness. Her tales explore a wide range of human experiences and feelings.
Winds of change by Katie winters novel details
Publisher : (March 14, 2023)
Publication date : March 14, 2023
Language : English
File size : 2199 KB
Print length : 174 pages
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